Tuesday 3 March 2009

Oh what a lovely weekend

Sorry about the gap between post but all will be explained

Guess I have been having fun again,

After my disastrous day the other day, the rest of the week disappeared into a stream of nothingness. I looked forward to the weekend, a break in the monotony of my week yay!

I woke up bright and breezy on Saturday morning, well I got up maybe bright and breezy is to much, but I was up. Managed to eat my breakfast and get dressed for my Saturday morning riding lesson. I tootle off fully suited and booted.

I arrive to find out we are going on a hack (a walk on the roads, bridleways etc), lovely, the weather did look a little dubious but it make a change from the normal lesson so what the hay. Accept for the fact they haven't booked me in last week! So they tell one on the small children who hang round riding centres to go and tack up Saxon, a 16ish hands bay, who is one of my favorites. YAY

So I follow this small child to Saxons stable an stand and watch her try to tack up Saxon, this was highly amusing as they seemed not to have a clue! Holding the bit next to the horses mouth whilst the bridle was dragging on the floor, with Saxon just turning his head and saying "No", moving again "I don't think so", Moving again "What do you want me to Do". They did manage in the end, and to my defence I did offer to help.

Now comes the fun bit, the Hack all was going well except for a small yappy dog behind a hedge, till I hear the grumblings of a motorbike behind me, whilst we were on a small country lane. I am at the back so shout up the the rest of the ride that a motorbike is coming, (there is about 7 kids on the ride and me and two instructor type people) I relax and put my leg on a bit, Saxon tends to take confidence from the rider, so try to be calm and confident. I kept thinking the motorbike will slow down in a minute....

It didn't!

Chaos erupts, Saxon rears and spins and I end up in a hedge, being some what horsey my first reaction is "aaarrrgghhh my horse is loose" so I disentangle myself from the bush and grab Saxon and glance around to see 6 of the 7 kids on the floor, one horse standing in a ditch. One horse standing shaking and ponies doing what ponies do best, PANIC PANIC oooo a tasty tree munch munch munch. The one horse who I expected to freak, (who previously during the hack had spooked at a bird, a dog, a armchair in the bushes, a road sign) was standing itching her nose with the rider still on.

That's when I felt it, my finger, it was drooped down and extremely painful! I could straighten it at all. This meant I had to be lead back, all the kids were fine btw, children bounce better than me it seems. Also a trip up the local walk in centre with Gemma my partner, after I drove very carefully back home.

She was also doing horsey things with our friend Debi, so we are sitting in a pristine waiting room in jodhpurs boots and chaps. For those of you who aren't horsey, horses have a very particular smell, which is vaguely unpleasant and lingers for a while. So we decide to sit away from everyone up a corner. Before this the receptionist asked if I had anyone with me and what there relationship to me was, I suppose I could have said my friend, but was feeling particular Narky and decided to tell her I was with my partner and her name is Gemma. The whole waiting rooms head spun round to look at me just as Gemma walked in (it was mainly full on old ladies and Gentleman), so I spent the rest of my time in the waiting room, smelling and being stared at. Fun, Gemma also pointed on a child who looked about 7 was behaving better than me!

In the end it was only sprained but I can't do any sport for at least three weeks grrr.

I hope this explains why it has been so long between posts, but typing with your fingers strapped together is a long and drawn out process and I decided to wait till I could use them to some degree before I attempted to type anything as long as this.


  1. Personally I don't think the smell of horses is "vaguely unpleasant" but then that's me and if I could buy it in a bottle I probably would.
    So now you are fit and well again and gemma is the invalid ( lol lol) -oops don't tell her I said that - she's going to be lunging me on Saturday......

  2. lol, I don't mind the smell if I smell like it to, but if its just Gemma it can get a little pongy.
